By Jess T.

If you are a parent, over the years you have probably given your kids plenty of advice about all kinds of things, including how to get and keep a job. But your advice may have fallen on deaf ears unless at least 100 of your child’s best Facebook friends “like” your suggestion.

So your offspring may be interested in a recent study conducted by careerbuliding.com confirming what you knew all along. Applicants who do not follow proper job etiquette may be hurting their chances - even if they are a good fit for the position.

First of all, whether a candidate is seeking a new job or a promotion, a professional image can make a difference. Personal attributes some managers said would make them less likely to extend a promotion include:

•    Piercings
•    Bad breath
•    Visible tattoos
•    Often have wrinkled clothes
•    Messy hair
•    Dresses too casually
•    Too much perfume or cologne
•    Too much make up
•    Messy office or cubicle

Of course, much will depend on the nature of the workplace. Discrete piercings and tattoos are pretty main stream these days. But there is never an excuse for poor personal hygiene.

More than one in five hiring managers also said they are less likely to hire a candidate who didn’t send a post-interview thank you note. That’s because they say omitting this step shows a lack of follow through and sends a message that the applicant is not really serious about the opportunity.

A hand written note is still the gold standard, but most managers are perfectly happy to get an email from interested applicants. And if there were multiple interviews, each interviewer should receive a personal note.

While a lot of what is included in a thank you note may seem repetitive, enthusiasm for the job and qualifications for the position should be restated. It also doesn’t hurt to raise any interesting conversation that may have come up during the interview.

This is pretty basic stuff, but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to revisit the obvious. If there is somebody in your life who would be more receptive to this message if it comes from someone else’s mom, feel free to share a link to this blog on Facebook. Or if your Facebook friend requests have been ignored, you can always just slip a hard copy under the door.
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