HONG KONG: The Chinese tourists wandering through Paris' Louvre this summer or shopping along New York's Fifth Avenue are part of the nearly 65 million Chinese who will travel abroad this year, according to estimates by the China Tourism Authority.

These tourists are among China's wealthy. But consider this: More than 20 times that number of Chinese citizens will travel within China this year.

So for those who can't afford to visit to Europe, Chinese tourism developers are trying to bring Europe to China.

Witness the popularity of Thames Town - a place that looks and feels like an old English town, but is situated on the Yangtze River, not the Thames. This replica town on the outskirts of Shanghai isn't alone. A Chinese firms plans to rebuild the historic village of Hallstatt, Austria, in Guangdong Province - much to the apparent ire of some Hallstatt citizens. -CNN

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Edited by Jamie L.
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