Jennifer Lopez's return to the public consciousness occurred about six months before the release of "On the Floor," when the pop star signed on as a judge for the 10th season of "American Idol." Even if the listener immediately thinks of Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler when she coos, "Let me introduce you to my party people," at the beginning of "On the Floor," J. Lo's new single is a welcome return to dancefloor relevance for the 41-year-old creator of hits like "Waiting for Tonight" and "Love Don't Cost a Thing." RedOne provides a throbbing yet understated beat, and Pitbull drops by for a rapid-fire verse that rhymes "badonkadonk" with "Donkey Kong." But Lopez steals the show by pulling back her vocal power during the minimalist bridge and busting out her still-potent pipes during the chorus.

Edited by Sonia S.
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